
About TrapWire Inc.


TrapWire Inc. was founded by counterterrorism experts in 2005 to design, build and deploy counterterrorism technologies and services for the protection of critical infrastructure and personnel. The genesis of our company was a project initiated in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. The objective of that project was to develop a capability that would prevent such attacks from occurring in the future. This project evolved into our flagship product, TrapWire Polaris, and its related methodologies, training and supporting capabilities.

Today, TrapWire systems are used to detect threats related to terrorism, trans-national criminal organizations, hostile intelligence services, human and narcotics trafficking, crimes against children, school violence, and other criminal activities. Contact us to learn how we can help your organization fulfill its mission.

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“The security awareness training conducted by TrapWire counterterrorism experts professionalized our security department and significantly expanded the focus of our non-security personnel.”


TrapWire Systems handle thousands of suspicious activity reports and criminal incidents every day — and then push detected threats to our clients in real-time.

At TrapWire, our advanced AI tools and expertise don’t just help you connect the dots — we help you make sense of what these connections mean.

TrapWire Inc. was founded by counterterrorism experts in 2005…

to design, build and deploy counterterrorism technologies and services for the protection of critical infrastructure and personnel.

Meet the Leadership Team

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Trapwire

TrapWire is an intelligent, cloud-based incident reporting and analysis system. It analyzes your security-related events and detects patterns and matches that are indicative of terrorist and/or criminal operations in the planning stages. Built on that foundation are a myriad of other tools designed to streamline and modernize your security operations, including mobile apps, information sharing portals, analysis tools, and mass warning and notification capabilities. The technology is supported by a variety of services available to clients, including training provided by subject matter experts in law enforcement, anti-terrorism, surveillance detection, analysis, and intelligence operations. Contact us to learn more.

Is TrapWire installed in a manner that enables it to control CCTV systems?

No. The TRAPWIRE system does not operate or control camera systems or any other security systems. While imagery and video clips can be attached to TRAPWIRE incident reports, client video systems remain entirely under the control of those clients. TRAPWIRE is a software application that is deployed in support of existing security systems and enables security organizations to better leverage those resources.

How is TrapWire different from other, similar systems?

TRAPWIRE is the only system that provides a systematic, comprehensive approach to the prevention of terrorist attacks and criminal acts. There are many systems designed to collect incident and suspicious activity data, but the data collected typically turns into “noise” over time. In order to convert that data into actionable intelligence, organizations must have a means of pulling the signal from the noise. That means collecting and aggregating reports in a standardized format, analyzing the data to reveal patterns and threat indicators, and disseminating the information in a way that raises awareness and ensures an appropriate response. Additionally, the aggregated information and resulting threat data must be easily accessible and understandable at any point in time, regardless of personnel turnover or organizational changes, so that institutional memory is maintained and an opportunity to prevent a disaster is not missed. TRAPWIRE provides this and more in one easy-to-use platform.

Is TrapWire a surveillance system?

No, TRAPWIRE is a surveillance detection system. This is an important distinction. Users have access to analytical tools that enable them to detect hostile surveillance operations against assets and personnel. The TRAPWIRE system is not used to conduct surveillance and in fact, does not provide such a capability, nor does it have access to or control video or other surveillance systems.

How much does TrapWire cost?

Our pricing options are designed for long-term sustainability and are flexible based on the size and scope of a deployment. Compared to expenditures for traditional physical security and even legacy software systems, TRAPWIRE licensing is offered at tremendous value. Contact us for more details.

Does the U.S. Government control TrapWire?

No. TRAPWIRE Inc. is a private company. While many of our subject matter experts previously served in the government, we do not have any ties to our former agencies or military organizations.

Does TrapWire replace any of my current systems?

TRAPWIRE is the backbone for our clients’ security operations in many cases; however, it is also designed to leverage and integrate with current systems and procedures, which enhances their effectiveness and thereby returns a greater value on existing security investments. During deployments, TRAPWIRE operations personnel work with the client’s security leadership to develop the optimal collection, analysis and response methodology. Due to TRAPWIRE’s ease of use, no client has ever had to hire additional personnel to operate the system.

Please contact us if your question is not answered in the FAQ.


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Monday–Friday | 9-5 pm EST


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